Your clean industrial floor specialist
Whenever there are floors with high exposure, we can help. We aren’t just a specialist when it comes to designing industrial floors, but also a specialist when it comes to maintaining and repairing your floors. We use our innovative special-cleaner– our own development ‘made in Germany’.
Though stains on your industrial floors are bugging you?
It doesn’t matter if cement or epoxy remains, oil or omut, wax or polymer stains
Personally fitted solutions for your company
Thanks to our know-how and more than 25 years of experience with industrial floors of any kind, our skilled employees will not only make your floors shine, but will also take care of a smooth process.
There is no more efficient way!
You have a special problem? Talk to us! Our experts will stop by and will give you individual advice on cleaning-methods for your floor.
Why us?- More than 25 years of experience with industrial floors
- Understanding for the needs in your industry
- Internal developed problem solvers ‘made in Germany’
- High-tech machineries
- Experienced and skilled employees
A guaranteed clean experience
You like to receive a individual nonbinding offer?
Contact us!

Floor before cleaning

Floor after cleaning