Building Chemicals
We analyse your situation and design you floor build-up.
Depending on the requirements towards the final floor and under consideration of the various conditions on jobsites worldwide we developed our modular flooring systems.
We select a variety of high quality building chemicals and bring them together with our own type of epoxy based adhesive and jointing material to be ready for any type of ceramic floor covering.
The floor build-up is always the same but different again.
No rocket science but surely you have to understand the characteristics of the individual parts of the flooring system and their interaction.
By analyzing your demand we decide together for the best performing tile systems and offer you the individual needed materials.
Depending on your experiences we can train or supervise your staff.
- leveling mortars – ready mix or local sand/cement with high performance additives
- tiles adhesive – conventional cement base, high quality flex mortar (polymer added) or expoy base adhesives with the highest compressive strength and full chemical resistance
- tile jointing - conventional cement base materials for non chemical treated, dry areas or expoy base grout for hygienic and chemical resistant floors
- accessories – water proofing membranes, GF-mesh, expansion joints / depending on your needs